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The three-minute video of five young female Israeli soldiers being taken by Hamas from their base on 7 October is harrowing and extremely upsetting to watch.

The soldiers are Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa and Naama Levy.

They all worked at the Nahal Oz observation base, monitoring activity on the Gaza border.

The video, which has been edited in places, was filmed around 9am on the Saturday.

It starts with the five soldiers, unarmed and helpless, standing facing the wall as their hands are tied behind their backs.

Some of them have bloody faces, they all look shocked and frightened.

"You dogs, we will step on you," one Hamas fighter can be heard saying.

"I have friends in Palestine," one of the girls pleads. She's ordered to stay quiet.

They are made to sit down and threatened with being shot.

At this point, another of the soldiers asks to call her friend in Gaza, presumably in a desperate attempt to convince the attackers not to harm them.

There appear to be more than 10 Hamas fighters, all heavily armed and with bullet proof vests on.

Some have green Hamas bandanas around their heads. They appear relaxed, at one point stopping to pray.

It exposes the complete failure of Israel to foresee and prevent the attacks.

Finally, the video cuts to the female soldiers being hurried out of the building and put into one of their own khaki army jeeps.

One is carried, another hops on an injured leg.

There is the sound of heavy gunfire as Israeli forces battle Hamas nearby.

Many Israeli soldiers were killed in the fighting there that day.

The video was put together from body cameras worn by the Hamas attackers that day and released by The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, to put pressure on the Israeli government.

The video, the group said, "is a damning testament to the nation's failure to bring home the hostages".

The families have asked the video be broadcast "until somebody wakes up".



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