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Given the complexity and speed at which the world is changing, decision-makers are more important than ever today.

Individuals play a crucial role in steering through the countless options and obstacles that emerge daily, affecting both personal and collective spheres.


Decision-Makers are Needed by Society


Proficient decision-making propels advancement, encourages innovation, and ensures that resources are effectively managed, and objectives are successfully attained.


In the present day, numerous individuals hesitate to make decisions for various main qimg f018dba5ef8a7d9c3602d3b542e03f29 pjlq removebg previewreasons, including fear of failure, lack of self-assurance, or an overload of information. This reluctance often results in stagnation and missed opportunities, which can hinder societal progress. Without capable decision-makers, communities may face indecision, inefficiency, and an overall inability to manage crises effectively.


Therefore, nurturing the ability to make informed and decisive decisions is crucial for the growth and well-being of our societies.

It is vital to start fostering these skills from early childhood to ensure a strong foundation for future decision-makers. Teaching children how to become adept decision-makers not only prepares them for future challenges but also empowers them to navigate life's complexities with confidence and independence.

As parents and educators, it is our responsibility to prepare children for this challenge by equipping them with the necessary skills and mindset. This article explores various strategies and activities that can help nurture decision-making abilities in children.


Encourage Critical Thinking


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Promoting critical thinking from a young age is essential, as it entails reasoned decision-making, choice evaluation, and information analysis.

We can ask kids "open-ended questions," which push them to think critically by requiring more than a simple "yes" or "no" response, to help them develop critical thinking skills. Analytical questions that pique children's interest include "What do you think will happen if...?" and "Why do you think this is the best choice?"

Discussions and debates are yet another idea. Let kids participate in discussions on a range of issues that are acceptable for their age, so they may weigh opposing arguments and provide reasoned arguments for their position.

Moreover, brainteasers and puzzles: Offer mentally stimulating activities like logic games, riddles, and puzzles to engage their thoughts. Their ability to think critically and solve problems is improved by these workouts.


Teach Problem-Solving Skills


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Making decisions requires problem-solving abilities; therefore, it's crucial for kids to learn how to identify hurdles, come up with the best plan of action, and create solutions.


Then teach children how to approach problems in an organised manner by describing the issue, coming up with potential solutions, weighing their options, and making a decision. This will help them develop their problem-solving abilities.

Employ project-based learning to involve children in activities that require collaboration, forethought, and decision-making. This holds true for school assignments, extracurricular activities, and domestic tasks like event preparation.

In addition, teaching children problem-solving skills through structured approaches and practical scenarios offers them the self-assurance to confront obstacles in life and find solutions.


Foster Independence and Responsibility


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Encouraging children to take charge of their activities and make decisions might help them develop into more self-reliant and confident decision-makers.

Allow children to make their own decisions about what to wear, what to read, what to play, and what to do as a family on a regular basis. This helps them understand how their decisions will affect them.

Give kids age-appropriate responsibilities that require them to make decisions, such as walking the family dog, planning a meal, or handling a small amount of money.

This will help kids become more responsible for their own behaviours and encourage them to make decisions on their own.

Talk to the child about the decision you made and how it turned out. As an illustration, "What worked well?” and How might things have been resolved?" can be emphasised.


Model Decision-Making Behavior


The adults in their environment teach children a lot of valuable lessons. Parents and teachers may set a great example for their children by making good decisions.


 Children should see you making decisions on a daily basis. Describe your experience, your thought process, and the considerations you take into account. Include children in family decision-making as well, if at all possible.


Planning a vacation and making large purchases like a TV, refrigerator, or car are a couple of examples of these.

Discuss options such as available space, budget, and maintenance needs, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches.

Raising healthy, responsible individuals also requires teaching children to assess their choices and weigh how they align with their goals and values.


Develop Emotional Intelligence


improving your emotional intelligence min


Emotional intelligence is vital for making sound decisions, as it involves understanding and managing emotions.

Help children identify and understand their own emotions and those of others. This is crucial for making empathetic and socially responsible decisions.

Also, try to provide strategies for managing emotions, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or talking through their feelings, will help children stay calm and think clearly when making decisions.

Always encourage children to consider how their decisions affect others. Activities like volunteering or helping a friend can build empathy and social awareness.


Encourage Goal Setting and Planning


woman motion running past clock plant woman chasing deadline task target simple minimalist flat vector illustration 538213 60040.jpgCareful planning and decision-making are necessary for setting and accomplishing goals in Setting and achieving life objectives requires careful planning and decision-making.

Teach children to constantly set SMART (SMART, SMART, ACHIEVABLE, RELEVANT, and TIME-BINDED) goals in order to empower them to make decisions.

Help children develop action plans to accomplish their goals after that. This involves identifying the steps, materials, and obstacles that must be overcome.

Teach them to keep an eye on their own development as well. Regularly review and adjust goals and strategies. To keep them motivated and focused, celebrate their successes and discuss challenges.


Promote Creativity and Innovation


What role do innovation and creativity play in problem-solving and decision-making processes? As there are frequently several approaches to tackle an issue, educate children to choose the best one by encouraging brainstorming sessions for original problem-solving ideas.

Get them involved in creative-thinking exercises like arts and crafts, poetry and story writing, and model construction.


 Emphasise to children the importance of trying new things and learning from mistakes, while also teaching them that taking risks and making mistakes are acceptable. Teach children to stay calm in the face of difficulty as well.


Practical Activities and Examples


family bonding activities


Organise frequent family get-togethers where kids may help decide on rules, tasks, and family activities.

Another strategy is to make up stories or settings where the child has to prepare for the character. Talk about the possible results of various decisions. Encourage kids to participate in community initiatives or groups so they can develop their leadership and decision-making abilities.

Additionally, we can use educational apps and games that foster critical thinking and decision-making abilities.

Parents and teachers can assist youngsters in developing the abilities necessary to become self-assured and capable decision-makers by putting these techniques and activities into practice.

These fundamental skills will be useful to them throughout their lives, allowing them to overcome obstacles, take advantage of chances, and make significant contributions to their communities.


Encouraging decision-making practices in early childhood lays the groundwork for developing future leaders. By fostering critical thinking and confidence in young minds, we equip children with the skills necessary to navigate complex situations effectively.


These early experiences in making informed choices will enable them to grow into capable and decisive leaders, ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.


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Dr. Nadee Dissanayake

Founder/Secretary - CUP
Senior Commissioner,
Inland Revenue, Sri Lanka.

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