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The Ministry of Finance sources claim preparations are afoot to launch an immediate disciplinary inquiry against a senior official of the Ministry of Power and Energy, alleging that she provided certain information to a powerful member of the Opposition regarding the transfer of 40% of the shares of the Kerawalapitiya Yugadanavi power plant for a period of 15 years at a price of USD 250 million to the US based New Fortress Energy.

It is said that the Ministry of Finance has also accused the female official of misleading former Minister of Power Dullas Alahapperuma regarding the share transaction of the Yugadanavi plant in Kerawalapitiya.

In this situation, the Ministry of Finance has also planned to immediately launch an investigation into an alleged fraud that took place in a Ministry this official had served in during the good governance government, the sources said.

Furthermore, the subject Minister has requested the President to immediately remove this official who has the support of President's Secretary Dr. P.B. Jayasundara, it is learnt.

It is also reported that there are concerns within the Ministry of Finance whether the information related to this transaction was given to the Opposition by a high ranking official in the Presidential Secretariat. The President had recently appointed a former senior official of the Urban Development Authority as an adviser on power projects.

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