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The new year has started. It is time to think differently this year.

Today, I'll talk about something very important for both children and adults. Have you ever considered deciphering the meaning of the phrase “work while you work; play while you play.”

We have different ideas, thoughts, and abilities. To achieve our goals, we must work hard and maintain a high standard of living. Allowing the body and mind to rest, exercise, and eat at the appropriate times can help to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

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Consider why the phrase "work while you work; play while you play" is so important for children. Children’s lives are primarily focused on learning and having fun. When children are in a learning environment, whether at school or at home, they should be encouraged to pay close attention to what they are doing. They will then be able to easily achieve their goals, such as passing exams and winning competitions. As a result, there is no need to waste time retaking exams or repeating the same tasks.


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Furthermore, children should be encouraged to have fun and engage in recreational activities during their spare time. The games that children play nurture and develop their development, creativity, social skills, and physical well-being. Also, children should be encouraged to have fun and engage in recreational activities in their spare time. Children's games foster and develop their development, creativity, social skills, and physical well-being. As a result, the amount of time they spend on leisure activities is critical.



Therefore, we must assist children in developing a routine that includes time for both work and play. Children must learn to divide their time between work and play. These abilities will be critical for their academic and personal success in the future.

As parents, we must recognize the significance of assisting our children in learning, getting enough sleep, participating in physical activity, and making time for recreational activities. As a result, we will see a child who is sociable, experienced, healthy, efficient, and creative. We pledge to raise a child who is socially aware and capable of making independent decisions.

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Another fact that we must recognize the importance of assisting our children in learning, getting enough sleep, engaging in physical activity, and making time for recreational activities. This will result in a child who is sociable, experienced, healthy, efficient, and creative. We resolve to raise a socially conscious child capable of making independent decisions.

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Dr. Nadee Dissanayake

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Founder/Secretary - CUP
Senior Commissioner
Inland Revenue, Sri Lanka

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