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1200 x 80 DMirror


We have learned about the article which was published on your website around the second week of March 2021.

The false content least bothered us and our customers and anyone with common sense would understand the drama of “pickpockets” where the thief escapes while the public’s attention is drawn to chase an innocent.

However, we decided to send you this note for clarification for your readers as it was stated in the web site the rights of the public to know the correct information.

We claim that this misleading, malicious and false information published in your websites are to fulfill low class desires of an unethical, corrupted competitor who is a TRADER under investigation for bribery and violation of procurement procedures and for quoting politicians names through the political henchmen to influence corrupt officers for their wrong doing. (When inquired from the relevant politicians whom they claimed to have close affiliations, they categorically denied any affiliations or any links to this trader company or the owners).

This trader company believed to be owned by a retired officer who was heading Medical Supplies Division (MSD) and also the NMRA which will raise serious public concerns considering his known “dark” reputation as one of the most corrupted officer who would do anything for money and who’s children were educated in overseas with that money and now in Sri Lanka to front this trader company to continue his vulgar nature of greed and to continue his lost path of bribery income after his retirement.

To match the family, the in-laws seem to be the same caliber to be part of all the wrong doings shielding behind a reputed lady lawyer whom we plan to inform the “darker” side of these characters.

The registration of the competitor’s (in this case the manufacturer) product is questionable and the officers at the NMRA will have to face the consequences together with the corrupted officers at MSD.

The manipulations at NMRA by the said retired officer now is being investigated and the authorities will have to make a huge effort clearing their good name of NMRA even at international level. (The letter without a signature which was published at your website is also under investigation).

The Competitor (Trader), failing their all attempts to discredit our good name of the quality product, and known to be mentally sick in a state of aggravated psychosis now.

Mediccom is an ethical, ISO certified, WHO GMP compliance local manufacturing company headed by Dr. Lohitha Samarawickrema who has a known reputation for spearheading the mission to make Sri Lanka a medicinally self-sufficient nation.

True enough, he is well connected not only politically and even otherwise but political affiliations are merely the personal friendships which based on his societal status and educational background.

His business entities are incorporated in very transparent manner pertaining to the laws of the countries where they are established and no politicians are partners of his businesses as it was claimed in your website.

He also possess high caliber personal connections internationally with world leaders and brought credit to the country many times. A group of companies with such an international exposure and a visionary leadership, Mediccom has paved the way with Zero tolerance for unethical corrupt practices which made Mediccom a common enemy for those who are corrupt.

Local pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is a well regulated industry in the country and need NMRA approvals for products registrations and GMP certification to manufacture medicines.

Mediccom has been certified with all relevant approvals from NMRA and products are registered according to the laws of the country.

Therefore, there is no room for a crock roach to appear in our product even by a mistake. (Internal audit report was sent to NMRA with facts).

It was a setup and a fabricated scenario where the said competitor (Trader) wanted a mechanism to enter to supply MSD (Medical Supplies Division) where we have been supplying this quality product for many years and even way before the COVID through a guaranteed buyback program where local manufacturers supply goods to MSD for a price evaluated and decided by a pricing committee. (The price competitor (Trader) supplied this product through a bogus tender is much higher).

We are also a JV partner with State Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Corporation (SPMC) who’s the state owned pharmaceutical manufacturer in the country to enhance the manufacturing capacity to fulfill the medicine requirement for the country. There are few other local manufacturers are also in this program comes under the common pricing committee where the pricing being evaluated and the procurement process is very transparent to recommend the lowest best price.

The competitor who is also a TRADER (not even a manufacturer) does not qualify to any of these criteria. Our product STERIMED is a world class product which the formulation is equal to the WORLD’s most famous and popular brand (which is many times more expensive when imported).

The formulation is evaluated by NMRA and given the registration through a process which is even approved by reputed regulators such as FDA, MHRA and EU bodies and the false claims by your website is wrong and misleading about its content.

STERIMED was the ONLY life saver for the frontier health workers of our nation who worked tirelessly at the heights of the pandemic and was available instantly as the COVID19 outbreak hit Sri Lanka and appreciated by all healthcare workers in the government and the private sector hospitals. Our workers worked 24 hours a day while the company looked after their family needs during the curfew by doing our part of social responsibility and yet to get payments from MSD for the supplies we did. (Competitor (Trader) has been paid instantly at a higher price and we are yet to get the payments since last October)

There are serious concerns at the health sector as the MSD instructing end users at the hospitals to fill the competitor’s (trader’s) substandard product to our bottles which they supplied in bulk cans.

By doing this, corrupt MSD officials are trying to cover up their wrongdoing of the over purchased competitors substandard product with public money through this trader which is a criminal offense.
We have raised this safety issue with the MSD and the NMRA and are closely monitoring the progress as there are no responses from both institutions, maybe because of the retired officer’s influence.

It is evident that the “drug terrorists” are disturbed the fact that Mediccom and personally its leadership have taken a stand to support the government and its people’s vision of making Sri Lanka a medicinally a self-sufficient nation.

And we claim that STERIMED is the best locally manufactured product available in the market which are manufactured at Mediccom’s state of the art GMP/ ISO certified NMRA approved production facility.


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