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With the rapid increase of Covid infections in the country, the Association of Medical Specialists (AMS) called on the government to impose stringent restrictions to limit people's movement.

In a letter to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Monday (10), the AMS pointed out that the current practice of isolating communities at GN division level is neither preserving economic activity nor controlling transmission of the disease.

The letter further stated:

"As medical specialists serving in the frontline of the fight against Covid-19, we strongly believe that Sri Lanka is at a critical stage.

Number of new cases keeps rising continuously. During last week, the daily number of ‘declared’ new infections have consistently been over 1800, and went above 2500 during the last 24 hours.

The number of Covid related deaths too have been increasing steadily with daily counts of approximately 20, even after a questionable exclusion of those with co-morbidities.

We should appreciate at least three times the reported number of new cases do exist in the community.

We also know that healthcare resources are fast reaching its threshold. Health sector beds and available facilities are almost saturated. Requirement for oxygen is increasing exponentially as we have started seeing more symptomatic patients. ICU beds are almost fully occupied. Healthcare professionals are exhausted and apprehensive with many getting infected with Covid-19 themselves.

Preliminary predictive disease modelling done by WHO, Geneva, recently with the assumption that current disease trend will continue without any public health interventions, Sri Lanka would most likely be reporting 10,000 cases daily within the next 3 weeks.

If that happens, we can expect the number of deaths to exceed 100 per day. If the country reaches this ‘tipping point’ with the disease spiraling out of control, it would be extremely difficult to recover from that point.

Some are of the opinion that vaccination is the panacea to all our problems. There are two challenges to that narrative.

One is the problems associated with quick access to safe and effective vaccines to cover at least 65-70% of the population with two doses.

The time taken for vaccines to provide protection has been widely accepted to be at least 3 weeks after the second dose.

Pending protection from the vaccines which is the key pillar supporting the fight against Covid-19, public health interventions to restrict people’s movements should be the most important tool to avert a disastrous outcome during this critical period.

Therefore, we urge Your Excellency to impose effective lockdowns at least at district level to restrict people’s movement with immediate effect.

The current practice of isolating communities at GN division level is neither preserving economic activity nor controlling transmission of the disease.

Whilst assuring Your Excellency of our unstinted support to overcome the present challenges and save Sri Lanka from an unprecedented public health catastrophe, we hope the recommendations made by us will be implemented urgently.

We also believe that the time has come to revisit Sri Lanka’s management strategy of Covid-19 before it rages out of control."

Battle Against COVID 19 GÇô are we at a GÇTipping pointGÇ 1Battle Against COVID 19 GÇô are we at a GÇTipping pointGÇ 2


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