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Former parliamentarian Ranjan Ramanayake who was charged for contempt of court and is currently serving his sentence, has submitted an affidavit seeking forgiveness for the derogatory statements he made against the judiciary.

Ramanayake had made statements insulting the judiciary primarily outside Temple Trees on 21st August 2017.

The Supreme Court delivered its judgement on 12th January 2021 convicting him for the offence of contempt of court and sentenced him to four years rigorous imprisonment. So far, Ramanayake has served one year of his sentence.


In his affidavit, Ramanayake has stated that having reflected deeply on the statement made by him outside Temple Trees, he admits that the statement he made is completely and utterly false and derogatory and contemptuous of the entire judiciary and humbly and profoundly apologised and sought the forgiveness of the entire judiciary.


Further, Ramanayake also sought forgiveness for the derogatory statement he made outside the Supreme Court premises claiming that he would not withdraw the statement he made on the 21st of August 2017.

He also gave an assurance that he would never again, in his entire lifetime, make any statement critical or derogatory of the entire judiciary.




Ranjan later 2022.08.25


Ranjan to be home by Monday - Harin


Meanwhile, Minister Harin Fernando in a twitter message said that he expects Ranjan Ramanayake to be released tomorrow or on Monday (29).


WhatsApp Image 2022 08 25 at 4.31.12 PM

Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe said recently that former MP Ranjan Ramanayake should be released by President Ranil Wickremesinghe on a presidential pardon.

Speaking to reporters in Colombo, the Justice Minister said that if the former MP makes an apology over the charge of contempt of court through an affidavit, the authorities are of the opinion that he should be released.

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