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Chairman of John Keells Holdings (JKH) Krishan Balendra gives an assurance for the equality of the LGBT+ community.

Companies should ensure an inclusive and equal job atmosphere for this community, he stresses.

During a recent interview, Balendra and JKH’s communications chief Kumudu Munasinghe said different issues faced by the LGBT+ persons at workplaces should be clearly identified and tackled.

One of the leading local companies, JKH incorporated LGBT+ persons into its policies and code of ethics in 2015.

Awareness campaigns together with Equal Grounds, introduction of a trilingual e-module and several other steps have been taken for the betterment of this community at the group’s workplaces.

JKH is also the first business community partner to the Better Together campaign by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. and iProbono to further the cause of the LGBT+ community.

(Daily Mirror)


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