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President Ranil Wickremasinghe expressed his pleasure in seeing the projects he initiated as Prime Minister in 2017 to elevate the health service in the Northern Province come to fruition.

As President, he is pleased to hand over these advancements to the people today.

He highlighted that the Northern Province now boasts modern hospitals and emphasized his goal of making the region’s health services as advanced as those in the Western Province.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks during the inauguration of the Medical Rehabilitation Therapy and Mental Health Development Centre at Mankulam Base Hospital yesterday (26).

This medical centre was constructed with the assistance of the Government of Netherlands at a cost of Rs.4, 500 million.

This is the largest medical rehabilitation therapy and mental health development centre in the Northern Province, featuring a psychiatric rehabilitation unit, an emergency unit, a surgery, a laboratory, a radiology unit, an outpatient department, and an intensive care unit.



President Wickremesinghe presenting a commemorative gift to Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Sri Lanka Bonnie Horbach.


Addressing the gathering President Wickremesinghe further stated that:

At the opening of this medical unit today, it is important to mention the background. After the war ended in 2009, the government at that time began the foundational work to restore services that had been halted in the Northern Province due to the conflict.

The first phase of this work was completed, but further progress required a second phase. As Prime Minister, I discussed with the Government of Netherlands about the establishment of new medical units to enhance the health sector in the Northern Province. The Minister of Health and the former Chief Minister of the Northern Provincial Council were actively involved in these efforts.


Before the war, Jaffna had become the best health centre after Colombo. As the Western Province developed, so did the Southern and Central Provinces. My goal is to restore the Northern Province to that level of excellence. This is why these hospitals are given special attention.


In 2017, as Prime Minister, I allocated funds for establishing the Faculty of Medicine at Jaffna University and constructing the necessary building for it. Today, I have the opportunity to attend its opening. Upon assuming the office of President, I ensured that these projects were completed promptly. Now, the Northern Province boasts modern hospitals.

We have decided to elevate Jaffna Hospital to a national hospital. Additionally, we are working to develop Mannar Hospital, transform Vavuniya Hospital into a teaching hospital, and provide a medical faculty to Vavuniya University. Mankulam Hospital, equipped with modern machines, is the only hospital after Ragama Hospital to have such advanced facilities.

Ragama Hospital was established to treat those disabled by the war and individuals with mental health issues. We have endeavoured to provide a similar modern facility for the people in this war-affected area.


Many hospitals in Sri Lanka lack the equipment that the four hospitals in the Northern Province now possess. It is crucial to protect these devices, and hospital administration and management must take the initiative. Cuba excels in health services due to its excellent hospital administration and management. Therefore, efforts should be made to elevate our hospital management and administration standards. The World Health Organization and the Asian Development Fund can provide the necessary allocations for this purpose. Through these efforts, we aim to establish a high-quality health service in the country.



State Minister for Rural Economy Kader Masthan:

The medical rehabilitation therapy and mental health development centre at Mankulam Hospital, built with the support of the Government of Netherlands at a cost of Rs.4,500 million, significantly enhances the health facilities for people in this area. We express our gratitude to the Government of Netherlands and President Ranil Wickremesinghe for providing such essential services to those affected by the war.

During a time when the country faced numerous challenges, the President fearlessly stepped forward to address these issues. I believe people have not forgotten the dire situation our country was in. The President dedicated himself to lifting the country out of that crisis, and today, the people are reaping the benefits of his efforts.


Governor of Northern Province P.S.M. Charles:


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Today is the third day of President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s visit to the Northern Province. I would like to thank him for spending these three days here, witness first-hand the challenges faced by the people and working towards solutions. The medical rehabilitation therapy and mental health development centre, inaugurated by him today, is the third hospital opened under the DRIVE project, and it is certain to become a milestone in the health services of the Northern Province.


This project has come to fruition thanks to the President’s interest, commitment, and courage. It should be remembered that it was President Wickremesinghe, as Prime Minister in 2017, who secured this project for the Northern Province.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has made significant strides in the health sector by establishing this center at Mankulam Hospital. He has successfully seen through the completion of the work he initiated as Prime Minister and has inaugurated it today as President. Notably, the President’s focus extends beyond just the health sector, addressing various other areas as well.


Vanni District Parliamentarian S. Noharathalingam:

The hospitals in this region lacked sufficient facilities. I extend my gratitude to the President for taking action to establish this medical rehabilitation therapy and mental health development centre in such a challenging environment.

Additionally, by ensuring the provision of necessary facilities to other hospitals, the healthcare needs of the people in this area can be adequately addressed. I kindly request President Ranil Wickremesinghe to communicate this matter to the relevant authorities.


Vanni District Parliamentarian Selvam Adaikalanathan:

The newly opened medical rehabilitation therapy and mental health development centre is a significant asset for both the Northern Province and the Vanni district. Gratitude is extended to everyone involved, including President Ranil Wickremesinghe, for their efforts in establishing it.

It is imperative that we maintain this valuable resource effectively, and I call for cooperation from all parties in this regard. I kindly request the President to provide the necessary support for its maintenance."

The event was attended by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Sri Lanka Bonnie Horbach and provincial politicians.



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