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As members of the Armed Forces of this country, we are bound by duty, honour, and a deep sense of loyalty to our motherland.

We have stood valiantly in the face of adversity, sacrificing for the greater good of our nation. Yet, there are whispers of temptation, enticing some of our comrades to forsake their loyalty for the allure of easy money and transient glory.

It is with a heavy heart that we address the recent reports of several Sri Lankan veterans venturing into foreign lands to join the ranks of mercenary forces. These veterans, once the pride of our nation, have succumbed to the seductive promises of riches and adventure, forsaking the values that define us as warriors and patriots.

Let us not forget the sacrifices we have made in service to our country. We have endured hardships, shed blood, and witnessed the ultimate price paid by our fallen brethren. Our bravery is not a commodity to be traded for personal gain; it is a testament to our unwavering commitment to the protection and prosperity of our homeland.

WhatsApp Image 2024 05 08 at 14.42.18 The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil, as the most senior serving military officer of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces and a valorous comrade who fought in real battles alongside you, has rightfully voiced concern over this alarming trend, earnestly requesting fellow veterans not to fall prey to the siren call of mercenary service. The CDS echoes these sentiments wholeheartedly, acknowledging the inherent dangers of such ventures.

Mercenary warfare is not a noble pursuit; it is a path fraught with peril and moral ambiguity. Those who choose to walk this path risk tarnishing the reputation of our esteemed military.

As members of a victorious military who defeated the most ruthless terrorist organisation in the world, we must uphold the honour and integrity of our profession. We must resist the appeal of easy money and fleeting fame, remembering that true valour lies not in the size of one's paycheck, but in the righteousness of one's cause.

Let us abide by our principles. Let us reject the temptations of mercenary service and reaffirm our commitment to the ideals that define us as proud veterans of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces.

In the words of the CDS General Shavendra Silva, let us not falter in the face of such traps.

Let us honour the sacrifices of our fallen comrades and sustain the proud legacy of our military.

Our nation deserves nothing less than our unwavering loyalty and dedication.

Together, let us stand firm and resolute, for we are the guardians of our motherland, and our allegiance lies with her alone.


WhatsApp Image 2023 08 02 at 15.09.47

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